Wednesday, 23 December 2020

Hair Wigs in Delhi | Full Lace Man Hair Wigs

100% Man Hair Full Lace Wigs
Buy quality Man Hair Full Lace Wigs made from 100% man hair. Our virgin man hair full lace wigs are easy to manage and are made from top quality virgin hair. We carry man hair full Hair Wigs in Delhi with baby hair and glueless man hair full lace wigs. Our wigs are easy to manage and the hair can be bleached and dyed to your individual needs.
100% High Quality Glueless Man Hair Full Lace Wigs
Our man hair full lace wigs are top quality 100% man hair wigs. These nice glueless man hair full lace wigs are easy to manage and can be styled to suit your needs. Our natural color full lace man hair wigs are great man hair wigs for black man. If you need Indian man Hair Wigs which have a natural looking hairline right around the head and can be parted anywhere, a man hair full lace wig is a great option. These wigs are made from virgin hair and can be bleached and dyed to suit your style. For our wavy and straight wigs, they can be heat styled to suit your hairstyling needs. We carry man hair full lace wigs with baby hair and man hair full lace wigs with bangs. If you are looking for an ombre man hair full lace wig, man hair full wig, we carry those as well in different styles and colors. These are real man hair full lace wigs made from real virgin hair and will last for years with good care. We carry many man hair Hair Wigs in Delhi. All of our wigs offer free shipping and are very easy to maintain daily.
Man Hair Wigs for Cheap
There is a myth that all man hair wigs are pricey. This is simply not the case since there are definitely Man Hair Wigs for Cheap which you can by at affordable prices. Many man hair wigs may cost you a pretty penny but if you are looking for wigs under Rs- 8000, they do exist.
How to Keep Man Hair Wigs in Delhi
Wig makers will do their best to make sure your wig fits and doesn't shift when worn. However, you'll also need a little extra security. You don't want it to lift out of place when a gust of wind strikes or someone inadvertently pushes against you. Using tape is a simple way to secure man hair wigs, so they stay in place all day long.
What are Human Hair Bundles?
Man Hair Weave Bundles otherwise sometimes referred to as Bundles of Human Hair Weave are as their name describes. Real Human Hair Bundles are pure 100% Human Hair sourced from real donors. The hair is unprocessed which means it is all natural. Good quality hair is industrially treated using non-chemical processes which allow the hair to be safe for use and finally attached to tracks so it can be sewn or glued on. A common name for the hair which makes hair weave bundles, is virgin hair. The names are used alternatively, but all mean the same thing. Part of the natural process which the hair goes through before being packaged is referred to as cuticle alignment. This aligns the outer layer of hair strands so that the hair becomes and remains, soft, smooth and tangle-free. One of the final processes is to attach the virgin hair to a weft and this competes the hair weave manufacturing process.
Note: Get Hair wigs services in Delhi.

Monday, 21 December 2020


Baldness is a general loss of hair from the scalp. Although baldness takes place clearly at a sophisticated age, in a few people, however, it may occur as early as in their 20s also.
Baldness commonly happens as a result of a mixture of hormonal adjustments, mental stress, genetic elements, lack of hair care and environmental factors.
Thankfully, there are several powerful treatments for baldness or severe hair loss, and, if stuck within the early tiers, its miles reversible. Here, we have a look at a way to prevent baldness, what are the key hair care recommendations for baldness and the medical treatments that are available.
What is Baldness?
Extreme hair loss, both in a concentrated area or in a diffuse manner across the scalp, is known as baldness. There can be an expansion of reasons why humans may also be afflicted by baldness. From genetic to hormonal, the causes are manifold.
How to Prevent Baldness Naturally?
Although baldness takes place because of an aggregate of hormonal factors and genetic elements, there are herbal treatments for baldness. All you want to do is to follow the following pointers: Hair Patch in Delhi
• Regularly wash your hair with a natural shampoo with herbal elements. This maintains your scalp dirt-free and enables in hair increase. A grimy scalp may cause hair damage and hair fall.
• Vitamin E and B promote healthy hair. While Vitamin E encourages blood stream, Vitamin B allows hair to keep its healthful shade. An eating regimen rich in those nutrients is vital for stopping baldness evidently to sure extent.
• A diet wealthy in protein is equally important for healthful hair, nails and skin. Include protein-rich meals like eggs, lean meat, fish, almonds and milk on your diet.
Hair Patch in Delhi
• Avoid brushing hair when they may be moist. This is because hair strands are weakest whilst they're moist. Brushing hair vigorously might also lead to hair fall. Always, gently squeeze out the excess water and then blow dry your hair.
• Water is vital for wholesome hair and skin. Keeping hydrated is the important thing to healthful hair.
• Massage onion juice onto your hair scalp. Onion juice is rich in sulfur that promotes hair increase. Also, it may lead to collagen production that is the key to having wholesome hair.
• Avoid harmful conduct like smoking and consuming - both of which might be horrific for hair.
• Avoid an excessive amount of stress. Stress hinders hair increase and excessive strain might also even lead to hormonal imbalance which can cause hair loss.
• Indulge in 40 mins of bodily interest like strolling, going for walks, running or swimming. This promotes the increase of hair follicles by means of decreasing pressure and promoting the manufacturing of useful hormones inside the frame.

Note:- Other Services

Hair Patching in Delhi

PRP Hair Treatment in Delhi

Hair Patch Service in Delhi

Hair Wigs for Men

Hair Patch for Man in Delhi 

Monday, 30 November 2020

Everything You Need To Know About Hair Patch Treatment!

Having voluminous hair is the biggest dream for some people in current situation. Due to heavy mental stress and bad eating habit youngsters tend to lose a lot of hair which directly affect their health as well their looks. Home remedies and oiling your hair will take around 6 month to regrow new hair, if you do it consistently, but if you need instant results then hair patch treatment is the best way to get your hair back.
Hair patch treatment is completely painless and they mainly do not consist of any side effect. However, various hair treatment centres have remarkable solutions available in the market who deals with baldness. Also, wearing wigs is one of the best substitute, but it does not provide natural look, if you have complete baldness then wigs are perfect option for you. You can easily get Hair wigs in Delhi with different colour, size and texture.
Price of the hair patch treatment
Hair patch in Delhi cost between 6,000 to 25,000 rupee or sometimes even more, that totally depends upon the requirement of hair by the patient. The experts usually charge more amount from the customer because of their good service.
Non-surgical treatment
Hair patch treatment is the non-surgical treatment where the hair is stick by cosmetic glue on the spot with no hair or thin hair. Cosmetic glue is steady enough to hold the hair for long period of time and the patient can also style, comb their hair without getting any aftereffect. If you are looking for Hair patch in Delhi then there are numerous places where the restoration of hair is completely painless and give you flawless looking hair,
Go with experience
It is recommended that you should consult experienced cosmetic store rather than approaching a new store. Centres of Hair patch in Delhi consist of experience staff, they will provide you prosthetic hair patch which sits perfectly on your hair.
Wigs or hair patch
Hair accessories like wigs and patch are good way to hide your thin hair but if you have a bald spot then hair patch is better option because wigs covers the whole scalp and it looks unnatural. On the other hand, patches blends with the natural hair so well that it is quite impossible to identify that the hair is not real.

Tuesday, 13 October 2020

Recognize the difference between hair patch and wigs

Hair loss is one of the major problems of today's generation. It’s a problem with people of all age groups. Hair thinning and hair loss leaves a ruinous physical as well as psychological effect. As it breaks your confidence and self-esteem because you are looking older than your age.
Hair fall can be due to many reasons like aging, genetic, hereditary, due to some disease, pollution, lifestyle, and many more.
When you search for a solution, you will have to do so much research about the procedure for hair treatment, there pros and cons. Then only you will come to a solution that will fulfill your expectations.
Hair accessories are getting very popular like hair patches, wigs, extensions, wefts, etc. Since both males and females equally suffer from it they should be very careful before selecting the desirable accessories. While selecting whether to choose a hair patch or wig, it is essential to know the difference between both.
Hair patches vs Hair wigs
The key difference between hair patches and wig is the area by which they covered the head. A wig is usually covered the entire area of the head while the hair patch covers only a particular spot. Wigs are not even customized, it will not give features like matching of color and hair density, size shape. Wigs are preferred when you are dealing with full baldness diseases like trichotillomania, early radiotherapy, alopecia totalis, and others. When you have a full baldness problem you can find the best quality hair wigs in Delhi. They are easy to use and do not require time to wear and are available in the best quality.
While, if you are dealing with partial hair loss then hair patch favored you more. Hair patching is the easiest and quickest way to hide baldness as it gives natural look. These are made up of synthetic hair woven into the lace. Also, make sure its texture and color match with your natural hair.
Hair replacement and wig both help you against hair fall but are different. Hair patches are more advanced and give regular look. There are a variety of outstanding pieces of hair patches and wigs are available. The hair patch in Delhi is the easiest and safest solution as it is made from 100 per human hair as well as skin-friendly which gives you a stunning and younger look.

Monday, 27 April 2020

क्या आप बालो का टूटने से प्रेसन है।

सरदार रियल एयर हाउस एक बहुत बाल उपचार सेण्टर दिल्ली में है। यदि आप बालो का उपचार करवाना चाहते हो और साथ ही साथ कम पैसो में तो रियल हेयर हाउस एक बहुत बढ़िया क्लिनिक है।
पुरुषों के लिए दिल्ली में हमारा विग केंद्र वास्तविक 100% मानव बाल विग को देखने वाला विग है जो आप को वास्तविक रूप देता है। 

बालों की बुनाई। बालो की बुनाई की प्रक्रिया बालो के अत्यधिक झड़ने की समस्या का इलाज करने के लिए की जाती है जो पुरुषों के चहरे पर होती है हेयर बॉन्डिंग हेयर एक्सटेंशन्स हेयर पैचदिल्ली में बाल विग
बालों का झड़ना किसी भी व्यक्ति के लिए चिंता का एक महत्वपूर्ण मामला है, जो इसे सामना कर रहा है, भले ही आप एक पुरुष या महिला हों, क्योंकि यह बालों या नंगे क्षेत्रों को कम कर सकता है। आज लोग बालों के झड़ने से जूझ रहे हैं, बालो के टूटना की यह एक बहुत बड़ा चिंता का वेसिया है।
हम मानव बाल विग के मुख्य आपूर्तिकर्ता और निर्माता हैं और आप गैर-सर्जिकल बालों के प्रतिस्थापन के लिए विशेष रूप से उन पुरुषों के लिए रियल हेयर हाउस पर भरोसा कर सकते हैं, जो पहुंच की अनुपस्थिति के कारण उनके लिए उपयुक्त विग का पता नहीं लगा सकते हैं।

हेयर ट्रांसप्लांट के प्रकार

कूपिक यूनिट स्ट्रिप सर्जरी (FUSS): त्वचा विशेषज्ञ या सर्जन डोनर क्षेत्र से त्वचा को हटा देते हैं और इसे टांके के साथ बंद कर देते हैं। सर्जन फिर माइक्रोस्कोप का उपयोग दाता की त्वचा को छोटी कूपिक इकाइयों में बदलने के लिए करेगा जो अंततः प्राप्तकर्ता साइटों में डाल दिया जाता है।
कूपिक इकाई निष्कर्षण (FUE): इस प्रक्रिया में सर्जन दाता साइटों से रोम को बाहर निकालने के लिए छोटे पंच उपकरण का उपयोग करता है। यह डरावना लगता है लेकिन इस प्रक्रिया से रोगी टांके लगने से बच सकता है और इसे कम पहचानने योग्य बनाता है।
 डायरेक्ट हेयर इम्प्लांट (DHI): यह कूपिक इकाई निष्कर्षण (FUE) की एक अग्रिम विधि है। DHI में, एक निश्चित प्रकार के प्रत्यारोपण का उपयोग बालों को डालने के लिए किया जाता है जबकि FUE में, छिद्रों का निर्माण किया जाता है और फिर उसमें बाल डाले जाते हैं। आप कह सकते हैं कि दोनों विधियाँ समान हैं लेकिन DHI संक्रमण से सुरक्षित है।
अब, आपको बाल पैच गुड़गांव या बालों की विग गीजर के लिए नहीं देखना पड़ेगा, बालों का प्रत्यारोपण बालों के झड़ने का सही समाधान है। प्रत्यारोपण के लिए जाने से पहले कुछ महत्वपूर्ण एहतियात और तथ्य का ध्यान रखना चाहिए। इन बिंदुओं का ध्यान रखना बहुत महत्वपूर्ण है ताकि आप दाता स्थल के स्वस्थ बाल और तेजी से पुनः प्राप्त कर सकें।
धूम्रपान - क्रिया के दौरान धूम्रपान करने से रोकें। धूम्रपान से रक्त परिसंचरण पर प्रतिकूल प्रभाव पड़ता है और यह वसूली के समय में कठिनाई पैदा करता है।
शराब और एस्पिरिन - शराब से रक्तस्राव का खतरा बढ़ जाता है क्योंकि शराब से रक्त पतला हो सकता है। इसलिए, सर्जरी के एक सप्ताह से पहले शराब का सेवन बंद कर दें।

हमारा पता है:- 140 अवतार एन्क्लेव बेसमेंट, ओपो। मेट्रो पिलर नंबर 234 पश्चिम विहार, नई दिल्ली  

Tuesday, 24 March 2020

All you need to know about Hair Wigs

Wigs never go out of fashion, whether it’s the ancient period or year 2021. Everyone
loves to wear it, just to add some volume to their hairstyle or to try some different
style. These are human’s best friend when comes to styling their hair or to cover their
But, have you ever tried to know how many types of wigs are available in the market?
No! Not a problem. Wigs are actually available in different materials as synthetic hair
wigs, human hair wigs, and lace front wigs. However, before buying a hair wig in
it’s important that you know which type of wig will suit you.
What is Hair Wig?
A hair wig is a hair beret that is used to cover the scalp. It’s generally used by males or
females suffering from hair loss or by cancer patients. In fact, actors/actresses also
used wigs to blend with their movie characters without changing their hairstyles.

Type of Hair Wigs
Hair wigs are available in great variety in the market. But depending upon the
person’s choice and their requirements they can select from-natural human wigs,
synthetic, and lace front wigs.
● Human hair wigs
These are the most expensive wigs compare to the other two categories. Further, it
provides an extremely smooth and natural appearance as it is very shiny and soft.
Even, it’s easy to style them as they are made from human hair.
In general, they are designed by the use of four different types of natural hair-
Chinese, European, Indian, and Indonesian. However, most of the wigs are designed
using Asian hair because of their hair texture and density.

● Synthetic hair wigs
Nowadays, it becomes difficult to know whether the wig is made from natural
hair or synthetic one. It’s because of today synthetic hair wigs are made with
high-quality. Even, the fiber used for their manufacturing contains certain
elements of curls, straight, and wavy hair.

In fact, these wigs are cheap then the natural wig. Also, they don’t get frizz in
bad weather.
● Lace front hair wigs
These are artificial wigs but it provides a pseudo appearance of natural wigs.
Most of the women love to wear this wig because it’s easy to style them.
Furthermore, these wigs are highly affordable than the other two.

In short, wigs are of different types and as per their texture and origin, people use
them. Generally, people prefer natural hair wigs as they provide natural looks.
Further, you can easily find the hair wigs in Delhi at affordable prices.

Saturday, 29 February 2020

Fix Hair Thinning With Hair Wig and Hair Patch in Delhi

Note:- Other Services

Hair Patching in Delhi

PRP Hair Treatment in Delhi

Hair Patch Service in Delhi

Hair Wigs for Men

Hair Patch for Man in Delhi 

Why Hair Wigs are in trend?

Hair wigs are not any more a fashion accessory to be ashamed of. Wigs have become a common fashion statement in vogue, thereby being used extensively in the fashion industry. 

However, both male and female fashion models use hair wigs to change their looks as per the need of a brand stylist. There are countless models and actors who use hair wigs every day to secure their natural hair. Hair wigs help to protect their hair from chemicals along with hair styling products like hair rolling, straightening etc. Therefore, actors change their hair wigs instead of changing their hairstyles. In this way using hair wigs helps them to protect hair to damage. Check Hair Wigs in Gurgaon

Types of Hair Wigs
The types of hair wigs are categorised into varieties and colored. Today, hair wigs are easily available in a different colour at an affordable price. However, the price depends on hair wig quality or texture. A lace front hair wig is the most popular among all. This is because it offers a natural look like a small hair fall in the front just like when anyone hair natural hair. 

It adds confidence to one’s beauty. Sheer lace is then attached from the front hair area of the hair wig in order to give a natural-looking hairline.

Benefit of hair wigs
Hair wigs are the best hair fixing option for both men and women. The delicate design offers a natural look. Both men and women experiencing hair fall can use hair wig to add glamour and confidence to their appearance. 

How to find a perfect hair wig
Finding a perfect hair wig for your requirement is no easy task. You cannot buy a random hair wig from a fashion store. A hair wig in Gurgaon service provider will help you find a perfect matching hair wig with your appearance. You can consult a specialist to get a customise hair wig for yourself. A qualified doctor cannot help you treat hair thinning problems. Therefore it is advisable to get some quality hair wigs which are appropriate to appearance and skin type.

There are different type of hair wig design for men and women. You can also get a hair patch in Gurgaon. Ask your doctor today. The design differs from person to person. Visit a good dermatologist today and get the best hair wig in Gurgaon.

Friday, 28 February 2020

Fix Hair Thinning With Hair Wig and Hair Patch in Delhi

Hair is one of an essential part of human appearance, indeed, losing hair may depress anyone as it increases the stress level.  If you are suffering from hair loss and looking for a solution then you must try Hair Wigs in Delhi

Today people experience major hair fall issues due to many reasons. The hair loss causes vary in both men and women. Some major hair fall causes are hormonal imbalance, lack of nutrition, poor lifestyle, use of excessive chemicals etc. If you feel under-confident about your hair thinning or baldness then hair wig is the best solution. 

Are you puzzled about what is a hair wig and what are its benefits or how much does it cost? Do not worry. In this article, we will cover everything you need to know about hair wigs.

Hair wig for hair thinning problem
Hair wig is a non-surgical hair restoration treatment. The treatment will bring your confidence back. In fact, hair wigs are also called hair accessories. Some other types of hair accessories include hair extensions, wefts and hair patches. Hair patches are similar to hair wigs. We will discuss more about hair patches in this article. Check hair wig in Delhi
When deciding whether to choose a hair wig or hair patch it is essential to understand the difference between both the hair wig and hair patch.

Difference between hair wig and patch
Hair patch is known as a mould patch which is made up of normal hair which is used to cover baldness.  It is the hair treatment to get rid of male baldness. When hair development cannot be treated via medication or cannot afford hair transplant then hair patch in Delhi is the most secure method to regain hair back.
The main difference between hair wig and hair patch is established by the level of the head area covered. A hair patch covers a particular spot while a hair wig covers the entire head.

The main difference between hair wig and hair patch is the area covered by them. A hair wig covers the complete scalp area while hair patch covers only small head areas. Although both the hair fall remedies are non-surgical. Check hair patch in Delhi

Finding the best hair patch in Delhi
Contact Delhi’s best hair fixing service – Real House Paschim Vihar to get the best hair wig in Delhi or hair patch in Delhi. The service is offered by trainer beauticians specializing in hair fixing.

Sunday, 23 February 2020

Which is the best hair patch clinic in Delhi Ncr?

Nowadays hair loss problem is very common among teenagers and adults. If we don’t treat hair loss problem in the initial stage then it may also lead to the baldness or permanent hair loss. Hair Patch in Delhi generally includes treating common hair related problems like hair fall, thinning hair, dryness, dandruff, baldness treatment etc. Surgical or non-surgical treatments are used to treat partial baldness. As the surgical treatment is quite expensive so, we consider non-surgical treatment which is less expensive and can be done in a short span of time.

What is hair patch?
Hair patch also called hair fixing is a non-surgical process or painless procedure to cure partial baldness. The technique has gained popularity among both men and women. It is a kind of temporary hair weaving method a way to achieve the length of the hair without surgery. Apart from adding the length of your hair, the procedure also involves customization of human hair system based on their hair color, density, size to style according to their natural hair.

Hair Patch in Gurgaon is a technique of hair fixing where the hair system will be fixed in your own hair with the help of clips. It requires auto lock clips to fix the patch with existing hair. With these clips, the patch can be removed if required. It is a maintenance free and cost effective and skin friendly method which requires only one session that is a few hours long.

Procedure for hair patches in Delhi
Hair bonding is the perfect hair treatment in Paschim Vihar for both men and women as an immediate hair fall solution. The treatment is easy and involves simple steps. In the first step is to take sample hair and match with natural hair. It is then arranged and fixed to the scalp within the natural hair to deliver the best result as per the patient’s expectations. Hair bonding treatment is less costly than any other hair fall treatments.

Advantages of hair patch treatment
  • Cost effective method
  • The best solution for baldness
  • Maintenance free
  • Non-surgical & painless procedure
  • Pertinent to every hair loss arena
  • Length of the hair as per your wish
  • Medically approved treatment
  • Doesn’t require to follow up
  • The quick baldness treatment procedure

Final Words
Hair patch treatment is the non-surgical hair replacement for patients who experience partially baldness. It is an effective and top class hair weaving treatment that helps to gain your personality back.

Thursday, 20 February 2020

Hair wigs in Delhi | Realhairhouse: call now +91-9536384242

Hair fall is a critical matter of worry for any individual who is encountering it, regardless of whether you are a man or a lady as it can cause diminishing of the hair or bare zones. There are numerous centers professing to furnish you with the best hair trade framework for different hair fall issue including diminishing of hair, alopecia, etc, it very well may be overpowering to pick the best treatment alternative. Many men are battling from male example hair loss additionally found as alopecia which prompts uncovered spots on the head. It is normal for ladies to purchase wigs to disguise their hair diminishing issues and change hairdos, yet at the same time, numerous men are reluctant to purchase wigs. Additionally, in the market you will discover a plenty of women hair wigs however not men hair wigs, yet the entirety of your interests are comprehended with us. We are the main supplier and maker of human hair wigs in Delhi and you can trust Real Hair House for Non-surgical hair Replacement particularly for men who can’t locate an appropriate wig for them due to the absence of accessibility.
White Patches Treatment in Delhi
Non Surgical Hair Replacement in Delhi!oihWfaTC:hair-weaving-cost-in-delhi-real-hair-house!ZGVjMjdl:hair-patch-in-delhi-%7C-hair-patch-rate-in-delhi!MDJkMGQx:non-surgical-hair-replacement

Thursday, 13 February 2020

Get Natural Human Hair Patch in Delhi At Best Price

What is Hair Patch?

Hair Patch in Delhi
As you know that hair patch is Non Surgical Hair Replacement in Delhi and it is absolutely safe and it has no side effect. It is attached to the bald area with the help of cosmetic glue or it comes with clips also. Both glue and clips are medicated so it is quite safe and also do lead to allergic reactions on the scalp. Hair patches are available for both man and women. Hair patch in Delhi and Hair Wigs in Delhi you can get the best prices than other city. It also comes with all different sizes it depends on the baldness of the scalp area. It is totally designed to fit the customers perfectly. It also can be used to attach in many ways. Whenever you attached it properly, it looks like natural after combing.  

Hair Patch in Delhi            
Hair Patch in Delhi
If you are looking hair patch in Delhi, It is available all over the market but Paschim Vihar in New Delhi is cheaper. It is not really so costly but it depends on the quality and base of material. The price starts from about 7k to 35k. It comes for both male and female and available all different sizes.  Real hair house offers the Best Hair Wigs in Delhi and unit of hair can also be customized as per the client’s requirement. There are a lot of clinics and they are providing hair patch in Delhi but you have to choose the right place because some of them charge you so much money but they did not give what you suppose to get.

What is different between Hair Wing and Hair Patch? 

Hair Patch in Delhi
Whenever you are going to buy Hair wigs in Delhi or hair patch in Delhi you need to know the different between both of them. Both are established by the area of the head that the covers. It usually covers the complete head and it only covers a particular spot of the head.  If you are having totally hair losses and having problem like alopecia totalis and alopecia universalis chemotherapy or chemotherapy and   other issues leading to full balding.  Then it is most preferred solution for you to cover your head and looks like natural hair. Real hair house having experts with a lot of experience to help you what is really good for you.    

Hair Patch in Delhi

           Note:- Other Services

Hair Patching in Delhi

PRP Hair Treatment in Delhi

Hair Patch Service in Delhi

Hair Wigs for Men

Hair Patch for Man in Delhi